Team Leader: Rachael Gifford
Brief information

The Health and Wellbeing curriculum team at Cann Bridge consists of teachers from across the school who all contribute to a regularly updated Action Plan. The Lead for the curriculum team is Rachael Gifford.

Subjects covered by the Health and Wellbeing team are:

• Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education (PHSE) Lead by Rachael Gifford
• Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) Lead by Rachael Gifford
• Religious Education Lead by Julia Martin
• Physical Education Lead by James Lomax

The team is responsible for the policies and developments in their subject areas. The curriculum lead also has responsibility for safeguarding links to the curriculum. Each year the Health and Well Being team are responsible for the organisation of Sports Day, Diversity Week, Anti-Bullying Day and Health & Wellbeing Day which supports opportunities and experiences across the school.