Stephen Crawford
Brief information

Class teacher – Stephen Crawford

The learners in 4 Cann are just starting to explore the KS2 curriculum where we aim to build upon our KS1 learning and expand our learner's interest and curiosity through active engagement and exciting learning – that means we’re lively, messy and silly in order to capture imaginations and secure engagement for learning. We know that play is still essential learning in so many vital ways, however, we also start to increase focus on core Maths, English, PSHE and PE skills through discreet sessions tailored to the needs of each learner. Further details can be found in our Pathway to Independence curriculum document.

Our core areas of learning are:

  • Maths
  • English
  • PSHE
  • PEFoundation subjects are also explored and include:
  • Humanities (History and Geography)
  • Art
  • Design & Technology
  • Science
  • Computing
  • Music
  • Religious Education (RE)We explore our learning through topics linked to stories. As an example, for our first term in 2023 we are learning about Bravery and exploring bravery in the face of challenges such as a “write-dance” volcano erupting as part of our English motor development for writing, or a worried crab exploring the sea as part of our storytelling and reading.

Staff in 4 Cann are all about encouraging relationships and engagement with learning by having fun and lively experiences. We’re loud, messy and exciting, and through that we allow our carefully tailored learning experiences to really make a memorable impact to our learners.