Curriculum Remote Learning

Remote Learning

In line with best practise, and following DfE guidance, Cann Bridge has a Home Education Policy to be applied in case children need to isolate or if local lockdown regulations require.

Cann Bridge School prides itself on the learning opportunities we provide and in developing the home learning policy we aimed to be creative, innovative and support our parents & children in the best way possible in order to make learning purposeful and holistic outside the school environment, if pupils cannot access the school buildings.


The Home Education Policy is designed to make sure that pupils not in school have access to quality Home learning using online and offline resources and appropriate video link facilities. This will enable continued learning for children not in school which meets the core values and content of the school curriculum.

To make sure that home learning is the best it can be we ensure regular contact between staff and families to allow ongoing assessment of pupil achievement and progress, and ongoing support of all parents/carers in respect of the pupil and families wellbeing. Through this contact the format of educational support meets the needs of the pupil and the family.