For those residing in Plymouth, the Plymouth School Transport Team co-ordinates the transport provision for Cann Bridge School learners each morning and afternoon.

As a parent/carer, it is your responsibility to make sure your child gets to and from school. However, you can request free school transport up to year 11 if your child qualifies for this. Details of qualifying criteria and a link to the form to make a transport application is available at the bottom of this page. 

Transport is provided in a variety of ways; minibus, taxi, bus passes and petrol allowance (an allowance which enables you as the parent/carer to take your child to school in your own transport). School transport will allocate a form of transport from the information you provide about your child on the application form.

Transport applications can take up to 30 days to process so we encourage new families to complete the online application form as soon as you hear your child has been offered a place at Cann Bridge.

Any changes or alterations to your child’s transport arrangements must be notified to the relevant transport department and to the school. The school is not responsible for communicating such changes and this is solely the responsibility of parents and carers.

Post Bridge College (KS5/Post-16) students

If your child has previously had school transport, you will need to make a new application prior to them moving into Post Bridge College.

Please be aware that even if your child has been provided with school transport in year 11, your application for Post-16 transport is not guaranteed and may still take up to 30 days to process. Therefore we encourage you to fill the form before the end of the school year to ensure that everything is ready for return in September. 

School transport for Post-16 students is not free. Payment can be made to transport by credit/debit card or direct debit installments. For families who may struggle to afford this expense, many students in Post-16 are eligible for the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund to help with transport and other study related costs.

Plymouth Learners:
To apply for free school transport for a pupil living in Plymouth, please fill out the online form using the link below:

School Transport Plymouth Link


Cornwall Learners:
To apply for free school transport for a pupil living in Cornwall, please visit the website below and click the ‘Application for Home to School Transport’ link to download the form:

School Transport Cornwall Link


Devon Learners:
To apply for free school transport for a pupil living in Devon, please visit the website below or call 0345 155 1019.

School Transport Devon Link
