Spiritual, Moral, Social and Culture Education (Including British Values)

The intent of our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Culture Education (SMSC) provision including British Values at Cann Bridge School is to support the personal and social development of all our learners, helping them to become respectful, responsible, and confident individuals. Through a tailored, person-centred approach, we aim to equip each learner with the skills and understanding they need to engage positively with the world around them and to contribute to their community, regardless of the challenges they face.

We are committed to fostering an environment where SMSC including British Values are integrated into all aspects of school life, ensuring that every learner, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to thrive and develop to their full potential by providing curriculum which engages, stimulates and enables all learners to achieve, be safe, be healthy and make a positive contribution. We aim to equip our learners with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for life in modern Britain. At Cann Bridge School we value the diverse backgrounds of all learners, families and the wider school community. 



  • Spiritual - This area relates to the beliefs, feelings and emotions through which learners acquire worthwhile insights into their own lives and all areas of the curriculum may contribute to the learners’ spiritual development. The school sets aside calm, quiet moments for learners to engage in sensory or mindfulness activities, and introduces simple spiritual concepts through visual storytelling and creative arts.
  • Moral - Moral development refers to the learners’ knowledge, understanding, intentions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to what is right and wrong. The school has a well-established Positive Behaviour Support Policy, underpinned by the trauma informed practice, where staff proactively promote and model the schools Behaviour Curriculum known as the ‘Behaviour Values’; be our best, be kind, be friendly and be helpful.
  • Social - Social development relates to the skills and personal qualities necessary for individuals to live and function effectively in society. The school fosters social development through communication tools like Makaton and AAC devices, as well as programs like SoSAFE! that teach social safety and relationship skills.
  • Cultural - Cultural development refers to learners increasing understanding and response to those elements, which give societies, and groups their unique characters. The school delivers this through   sensory-rich activities related to different cultures, and celebrating diverse traditions and holidays to broaden learners' understanding of the world.

British Values

  • Democracy - Democracy refers to the principle that all members of a society have a say in decisions that affect them. This is taught by involving learners in decision-making processes through simple voting systems such as School Council.
  • Rule of Law - The rule of law emphasises the importance of following laws and rules that govern behaviour. This is reinforced with visual aids and role-play activities that help learners understand and follow rules.
  • Individual Liberty - Individual liberty involves the freedom for individuals to make choices and express themselves. This is promoted by providing opportunities for learners to make choices and express themselves through various mediums in a safe and respectful manner.
  • Mutual Respect including tolerance of those with different beliefs - Mutual respect and tolerance involve recognising and valuing the beliefs, backgrounds, and abilities of others. This is instilled by introducing learners to different cultures and beliefs through sensory experiences, stories, and celebrations, fostering empathy and understanding.

SMSC (including British Values) Policy
