Co-opted Governor
Brief information

I am now retired after almost 20 years of working in the care sector as a Regional Manager. My role involved overseeing domiciliary care and supported living services that provided care and support for adults with learning disabilities and mental health needs.
Married with grown up children and grandchildren, I enjoy spending time with family as well as travelling, especially to Australia where our son and his family live.
My previous voluntary experiences includes working within the education sector as a school governor and Trustee of Special Families Trust a charity providing help and support to families of children with physical disabilities.
I am currently a trustee of Plymouth Mayflower Specials who offer sports for adults with learning disabilities and a pathway to local, national and international competition with the Special Olympics who are the third arm of the International Olympic Movement.

I have enjoyed joining Cann Bridge as a governor and look forward to being part of its future.